This might be the weirdest looking guy I've ever drawn. I'm not sure if I'll ever do a jug-player comic again, but if I do, you can bet this guy will make an appearance.

You may have seen the color version of today's comic. Here is the original: Please disregard the color version.
Although I liked the explanation from one commenter: "The bazooka IS made with snow---stained red by the blood of that dude's enemies."
For your convenience, I have compiled a list of links to my F Minus hate mail blogs. I will add to this list as the hate rolls in. Enjoy!
I did a lot of life drawing in college. This means a group of twenty or so students would sit in a circle around a naked person and draw them for a few hours. Often, the same model would come in for every class, and we would do many drawings every session. I would end up with over a hundred drawings of the same person. Needless to say, this became tedious.
Once I had finished drawing the model, I would add various elements to the background of the drawing for my own amusement. A busy highway, a sewer system, or in this case, a bear: Fast forward several years to today. I was browsing the internet and stumbled upon this photo:
The similarities are remarkable. Sure the man has gone gray, and managed to wrangle himself some pants, but it's clearly the same couple. They don't seem to be getting along like the used to, unfortunately.
If you haven't used, I highly recommend it. It's the most efficient way to waste time on the internet.
I'm about to save you countless hours of frustration. F Minus books are your one-stop shop for taking care of everyone on your gift list; naughty or nice! How about that hard-to-buy-for uncle? New baby? Old grandpa? It doesn't matter, the F Minus books have you covered. How about something for the boss? Circle the comic that reminds you of him/her before you wrap it.
It's also the perfect white elephant gift. In fact, you should probably buy an extra one just in case. You never know when your neighbor/babysitter/mailman/mistress is going to unexpectedly buy you something. Be prepared!
Get the latest book or the first book at a bookstore near you or at
This year I was the skeleton king for Halloween. No, it's not a character from something, I just made it up. Some little trick-or-treater came up to me and said, "Hello, Skeleton King!" as if we were old friends. That's what I like about kids. They don't sit there trying to figure out what movie you are from. They just see a skeleton king and accept it.
I was happy with my Jack-o-lantern this year but I forgot to take a picture before it got kind of squishy. This was my favorite decoration this year:And here is a photo I took today:
It's the only Halloween decoration still out, and I'm starting to think it might be a year-rounder.
Tea-Time! Back in August I told you that someone actually got my Tea-Time Clown tattoo. Apparently, it's taking Vancouver by storm, because the clown has struck again! This time in the form of a Clown Teapot.
This is a legitimate trend now. Tea-Time Clown is going to become an industry standard like the anchor or the mom-heart or the butterfly. It's only a matter of time until I see that clown peeking out of the back of some college girl's jeans.
Big thanks to tattooer Cohen Floch. Check out his work at
Calling all El Pasoans. El Pasos... Pasoites? The El Paso Times is now running a survey to choose their next comic. And guess who is in the running? Go VOTE!
As a side note, I ate some of the best Mexican food I've ever had in El Paso, at a place called Kiki’s.
I spotted this story posted on the NPR Facebook page:Pretty cool story. Then I noticed this comment:
Ahmed is right. Are we going to start making monkey glasses next? What if a monkey is swinging through the trees and his glasses fall off mid-swing? Do you want the fate of that monkey on your conscience, scientists? Why don't we just stop trying to cure monkey vision issues altogether? We have enough of our own problems to worry about.
Nope, I don't know why has been down. I didn't realize it at first because I get a newspaper. It reminded me of this Doozies comic that came out a few days ago:See kids? This is why it's always good to have the stairs, just in case.
With all the angry emails I get about just about every topic, you'd think a comic showing children in danger would generate an angry response. However, comics like the one above have always received the opposite reaction. This just reinforces my theory; People don't like children!
There have been a few exceptions. For instance, the mower incident from back in June. But I feel like he was more unhappy about the improper use of a lawn mower than the safety of the children.
The only other occasion I can think of was in response to this comic from way back in 2006:This was the letter I got:
"I feel compelled to comment on today's (Sunday, November 5, 2006) strip. Normally I enjoy the humor, but today's was in poor taste. Anything having to do with children playing with, or being put in plastic bags - or laminated in plastic - should not be joked about.
That said, keep up the good work with a great, witty comic strip."
I don't know how to feel about complimentary hate mail... it gives me confused feelings.
Nevertheless, I can't completely ban a topic from my cartoon because of angry emails. If I did there would be nothing to cartoon about. People can get upset about anything.
Hey... are those the same kids in both comics? Weird.
The Denver Post just posted a survey. They want to know what their readers think of their current comic lineup. F Minus is in their current lineup.
Of course, only Denver Post readers should vote...
Here is the survey, if you're curious.
If you look closely at today's Pearls Before Swine comic, you'll notice a shout out to F Minus from my friend Stephan Pastis. I got to meet Stephan at the Reuben awards (the Oscars of cartooning) in Orlando. I think we ended up hanging out with each other because we are both under 100 years old. (Haha, just a little joke, other cartoonists.)
We are pictured here with our book editor, Erin. Behind us in the crowd you can spot the sprightly Mort Walker (Beetle Bailey) and Bill Keane (Family Circus). This was right before Stephan and I challenged them to a vigorous game of beach volleyball.
You might have noticed some of Stephan's characters in one of my comics from a while back:Stephan has a blog too.
This might be the greatest thing I have ever seen.
In March of 2008 I published a comic featuring a guy named Mikey (based on my tattooed brother) regretting his tattoo choice: Tea-Time Clown. Today I received a message from the owner of a tattoo shop in Vancouver, Canada. He told me that the cartoon was popular with his customers, and also with his tattoo artist friend.
In fact, he liked it so much, he created a tattoo flash with some alternate Tea-Time Clown tattoo designs. His designs include a Tea-Time Clown in a race car, a Tea-Time Clown as royalty, a sad Tea-Time Clown with a broken teacup, and of course a standard Tea-Time Clown, as seen in my comic.
This was enough to make my day, but then it got better... I present to you, an actual Tea-Time Clown Tattoo! The owner of this awesome Tea-Time Clown tattoo now has the perfect answer when someone asks the question "Have you ever done anything you really regret?"
I couldn't be more proud.
Tattoo by:
Cohen Floch -Tattoo Union, Vancouver B.C.
I've been getting an unusual amount of hate mail lately. I consider that a good sign for the most part, but I still have to wonder, who are these people? What do they look like? Who has the time to seek out the email address of a cartoonist, just to harangue him? One person in particular has sent me a few emails expressing how much he despises F Minus.
"You aren't all."
"All of the other comic strips are hilarious, then yours just wrecks it. Completely."
"I feel like closing the paper after reading your pathetic excuse of a comic."
His extraordinary anger over my little comic strip intrigued me. I decided to to a quick search for his email address and I discovered his Facebook profile.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... The Face of Hate. Through his profile I learned that he has managed to wrangle himself seventeen online "friends" despite his abrasive disposition.
But I shouldn't be too hard on him. He clearly leads a difficult life, apparently in the frozen tundra, where he was forced to kill a large rodent and fashion the pelt into a crude hat for warmth.
I don't think I will continue to seek out these hate-mail writers after this experience. My dreams are already haunted by those vacant eyes and pointed snout. I've learned my lesson.
UPDATE: It turns out one of the "17 friends" is the cousin of a friend of mine, and had this to say about the hater:
"I barely know the kid. He was in my speech class and hung around the emo/goth/kids-who-wear-black group. All of his speeches were on random, less-important wars or something... like Franco-Prussian or ones that you don't normally hear about. He was also very nervous up there. I read the blog... am I really only one of his 17 friends?"
Sounds like he's down to sixteen, I'm afraid.
I've been getting a lot of requests for a T-Shirt with the slogan from this comic, and I wanted to let you all know that I'm in the process of making one available now. I'm also going to try to overhaul the outdated F Minus store. More on this as events unfold.
Let me know if there are any other F Minus comics you think would make a good shirt.
Comic counting is not an exact science, but today's comic might be the 1500th published F Minus comic. However, if you include comics from the college years and comics that weren't published nationally it's closer to 1800... whatever. My birthday isn't for five more months, so let's celebrate.
Thanks to Theo for the heads up.
Hey all, just a reminder to come see me tonight at the Barnes and Noble at Tempe marketplace for the book signing. They will also have some copies of the first book available. If you get a book for your dad for Father's day, I will draw a portrait of him in it based on your description alone. Don't worry, I'm trained in composite police sketch art.
Just to let you know, I am on Twitter, at
Somebody is posting links to the daily F Minus comics at, but it's not me. I don't mind unless my lawyer says I should.
See you soon.
To clear up some confusion, yes, that is the ocean behind the vikings. The F Minus world seems to have some ocean/land issues. Kooky! Here's a corrected version:
And yes, that is a painting in today's (Jun 11) comic. A black and white one, apparently. Kooky!
The following hate mail and my response refers to this comic:"Your strip for June 2nd:
Showing a father pushing a kid around on a power mower, and making a big joke out of it, is completely uncalled for. If you are a father, do you do that with your own children? I've never seen it done with a push mower, but I do see it once in a while on a riding mower. Do you realize exactly how stupid that is? If the kid falls off and loses a hand or foot will you make a comic strip out of that?"
* * *
"Dear (***),
Thanks for sharing your great comic idea! It's very funny. However, I don't use outside ideas in my comic strip. Many syndicated cartoonists buy comic ideas, so you might want to keep shopping it around.
To answer your question, no, I don't have any children. But if I ever do, I will definitely take your suggestion and let them ride the mower. That sounds super fun!
Good luck with your comic writing career!"
-Tony Carrillo
Edit- He wrote back!
"you are an idiot"
Checkmate, sir. Check-mate.
Did you miss the last book signing? You know who you are.
You're in luck! I will be at the Barnes and Noble at Tempe Marketplace on Friday, June 19th at 6:30 to sign your book and flip through some magazines. Get yourself the new F Minus book, and pick one up for a friend. Just in time for the holiday season!
Also, for the low price of one dollar, I will judge any book by the cover.
I saw Flight of the Conchords in concert last week (Thanks again Cam!) and they were great. Very funny. It rekindled my interest in trying stand-up comedy.
However, when I waited at the not-so-secret-anymore exit where the performers come out afterward (yes, I enjoy meeting famous people), they ditched me and some other nerdy fans and went out another exit. What's the deal, FotC? Too good for your fans? I met Elvis Costello with my brother at that same exit. He was a cool guy. Linz and I met Fiona Apple there too. Despite her angst, she was very nice.
Just a little Wednesday complainin'!
My friends, you all know that I post the strange mail I receive here for you to enjoy. Hate mail, crazy mail... mail about how I can't draw frogs. But today I got an email that is crazy, threatening... just plain bizarre. It may require a new category; conspiracy mail! Here it is, copy/pasted word for word (including an image of what I imagine he looks like). I promise this is a real email I got just this morning:
Two weeks ago my awesome cousin Brett got me this sweet Nagamaki sword. The action shot above captured the moment before I split that grapefruit cleanly in half. I think you know what this means... It's time for a follow-up to my popular video Sledge Time!
Any suggestions for what needs to be Nagamaki'd?