I really thought the hands-free burger device was golden, but it's only getting three and a half stars. I have a love-hate relationship with this rating system. I think I'm going to try to ignore it for a few weeks. If I don't, I fear it will soon drive me mad. Mad I tell you!

Had it been a burrito you would have gotten a lot of "that's pornographic!" responses. Way safer with the burger.
Cult classics need time to develop. I gave it at least a 4.5. I liked it!
Hey I like this new header... show you alter ego, the great Robobot?
Yeah, that rating system can mess with your emotions when think you've hit one out of the park.
Once I can get one of these for $25, I may have gotten one...now that I have $25 (Thank you!) I can wait for this to come along!
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