1. As a child, I was attacked by the King of the Desert, the Great Horned Owl.
2. I can make a really loud clicking sound with my tongue.
3. I had a snake named Carl. He lived for about 13 years, escaped three times, and bit me once.
4. I played the saxophone for eight years in school. My sax has a naked lady engraved on the side.
5. My brother and I used to play "Houdini" in the swimming pool with a chain.
6. I am trained to be a police sketch artist.
7. I was once punched in the head while wearing a bear suit.
8. I won a blue ribbon at the state fair for a painting.
9. My comic strip is called F Minus but my blood type is A+.
10. I used to work the camel rides at the zoo. I had to tell the larger customers they were too large to ride the camel.
11. I've painted three murals. One was a life-size moose.
12. I tend to win raffles and drawings.
13. The best sandwich I ever had was at a grocery store in Florida.
14. I almost (accidentally) killed my dog with an arrow.
15. I have a list of the 5 worst smells I've ever smelled. Two of them are people.
16. I could eat cold cereal for every meal.
17. I was interviewed on MTV about stuff I knew nothing about.
18. Next month, I will be a brown belt in Kung Fu.
19. Some jerk stole my car, used all the gas, sideswiped another car, and abandoned it in Phoenix. I'm still driving it today.
20. I enjoy sneaking into VIP sections.
21. I have winged scapula (I can stick out my shoulder blades) and a variety of other freakish abilities.
22. I think and work best from midnight to four a.m.
23. I have very vivid dreams and nightmares. Some repeat, some pick up where they left off the night before.
24. I hate clowns.
25. I worked at the airport as a baggage loader. I once guided in a plane (you know, with the orange wands) full of passengers, even though I did not know how, was not supposed to, and was unsupervised. Everything went fine.