Click here to read the comics from May 14th through May 20thMonday: My parents have a dog named Max that has an uncanny ability for escaping a backyard. This was always a mystery until I once saw Max climb up some vines, walk along a narrow wall, jump into the neighbor's yard, then use their woodpile to get out to the street. This comic is for Max. I used the name Kipper because it's funnier.
Tuesday: It's always fun to draw what hell might look like. I once drew the gates of hell, and it looked a little bit like the front of an amusement park. Another time I drew the lake of fire, and included a devil observing it like a lifeguard. I suppose this comic is a behind the scenes peek at the daily administrative decisions in hell. Someone's gotta make sure everything keeps running smoothly.
Thursday: It was fun deciding what was going to be caught in the net. I figured a dolphin was a given. I like how the deer turned out. I actually threw the scary bum in at the last minute.
Friday: I thought I'd get some hate mail on this one, but no. So many people emailed me about how much they liked it! Which just goes to show: F Minus fans are sick. This comic was probably inspired by the movie Zodiac, which I really enjoyed.
Saturday: I drew this one in my sketchbook a long time ago and never used it. Recently a friend suggested I do a comic about those jokes printed on Popsicle sticks, so I dug it out.

I'm a huge fan of F-Minus and was really glad to see you syndicated down here in Tampa finally.
I know this in non F-Minus related but did you see that Starcraft II is coming out? "Need a Light?" Awesome, oh and your comic is still great. Still working on getting it in Orlando's paper. Perhaps you can raid their offices the next time you're here.
The Tennis net was classic, the deer did look good!
Haha.. I love the idea of this blog.
It's always fun to see a thought process of something creative and funny like F-.
ps. Thanks for the autograph in the mail!
Totally wasn't expecting that.
My little brother was really jealous and asked, "well how'd he get our address?"
I laughed, paused, and said "I have NO idea! Oh well. "
Haha.. Thanks anyways.
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