I'm trying to plan what I should see and do in Boston... anybody have recommendations?
Don't forget to come to the book signing at Magpie on Saturday, April 19th, from 2 o'clock to 4.

I'm trying to plan what I should see and do in Boston... anybody have recommendations?
Don't forget to come to the book signing at Magpie on Saturday, April 19th, from 2 o'clock to 4.
Foodage: "Mikes Pastries" for junk food, "No-Name Restaurant" for chowdaaaah, "Anthony's Pier 4 Restaurant" for a smooth picture of Lando Calrissian (the food is alright, but pricy), the "Cheers Restuarnt" for greasy but tasty burgers and swag.
Fun: the aquarium, going to the pier and watching the birds mess w/ the hobos (very Hitchcock-esque), mocking the locals ('Paahk tha caaah on tha haaavaaahd yaaahhhd', 'these hookaahs are stacking up like cord wood along the Chappaquiddick'), riding the subway at rush hour to get close (in the physical sense) to the natives, ride the swan boats (i'm not saying I did, but you can, hippie), ask if they just call them 'baked beans' or 'cream pie' or 'red sox', get an MIT sweatshirt and look suspicious on Harvard's campus, and there is some kind of outdoor mall that I stumbled around at for a while and acted like a street musician with this bucket I found and made $3.42.
You should do the freedom trail (I've done it 3 times, it's still entertaining). If you don't want to finish it, you can still stop around Fenuill Hall and visit Quincy Market and the usual live performances in the area.
I wish I could go (I'm in Providence, RI), but I have something scheduled that same Saturday... bummer
Watching birds messing with hobos? That sounds like the perfect afternoon.
I didn't do this but it sounded way fun. They have these things called duck tours where it's like this car thing that drives you around Boston and even out into the harbor yeah in the water. It sounded way fun.
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