My friends, you all know that I post the strange mail I receive here for you to enjoy. Hate mail, crazy mail... mail about how I can't draw frogs. But today I got an email that is crazy, threatening... just plain bizarre. It may require a new category; conspiracy mail! Here it is, copy/pasted word for word (including an image of what I imagine he looks like). I promise this is a real email I got just this morning:
General response to your daily cartoons

It is quite clear that you are taking a dangerous and painful situation that is orchestrated by a domestic extremist group and making a
mockery of the painful ordeal. You are making a joke of an ordeal that is creating extreme distress on the part of one victim. The cartoons are full of symbolism that is connected to a one time group that has had the status of a covert SAP program that is now being investigated by the FBI. Many of the people in the domestic network have been arrested; arrests are ongoing. It appears that you have "inside" information of this domestic network and that you are a supporter or participant of this group that has used intimidation, violent coercion, and the use of remote weapons to torture innocent individuals for more than two years.
I must inform you that you will be the subject of a major lawsuit when this ordeal ends and is made public. The cartoons have been collected for the past two years to be used in a legal pursuit against you and the syndication that supports your cartoons. The courts will determine if freedom of speech includes the right to use such symbolism to ridicule, to humiliate, and to create profound distress.
So... crazy, right? More crazy than the normal brand of crazy I'm used to. Of course, it wasn't signed, but I searched for his email online and found out he's a sales representative for a company that makes office chairs. You know what that means... he's a spy!
So I guess that's it for me, guys. They're finally going to put me away for illegal... extreme... uh, violent... cartooning.
By the way, if you zoom in on the page the monkey is reading in today's comic, it says: How to Overthrow the Government on Five Dollars a Day by Tony Carrillo