Click here to read the comics from June 11th through June 17th
Monday: Playing darts is one of the many ways I get mentally prepared for comic-creation. I've got a dartboard on my wall at home. There are so many little holes in the drywall that if I pushed gently on the board, I'm sure the entire wall would collapse.
Tuesday: I went to an eight dollar automatic car wash and I had to finish the job with paper towels at a gas station afterwards.
Thursday: Happy Flag day! I think we should have gone with the cat flag. That cat really has a can-do American spirit, don't you think?
Friday: I just noticed that the intern has that same spirit as the cat.
Saturday: I bought a junky old treadmill for forty bucks and it's taking up a lot of room. I'm thinking about replacing it with a fish tank.
Sunday: Happy Father's day! My dad says this is what I said to him when I was born.

The Car Wash was pretty creative. I noticed that you didn't talk about Wednesday. That one was hilarious!
the 6-14 comic, with the cat "America!" flag? It's possibly the funniest thing I've read. I mean I read F-Minus daily since it started on and every strip is great but there's something about that flag which makes me crack up everytime I see it. I have it posted at home, and at my office, hell I even drew it on a letter I sent out the other day. Is that original strip for sale, or hell, is there anyway I can get a real version of that flag?
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