Spread The F Word

F Minus is the daily comic strip by Tony Carrillo
Visit www.FMIN.us for more information.
www.GoComics.com for today's comic.

Jan 30, 2008


Frank's most recent business idea has failed once again, but this time it has confused some people over at the Comics I Don't Understand blog.

By the way, this blog is now hosted at www.spreadthefword.com

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Eric Olsen said...

i think all of your comics should be critiqued by that group of people. it's just as funny as the strip itself.

Shane said...

I'm with Sabai. Has the mans hairline receded? That's what I want to know. Or is that not Frank?

Jeff said...

This comic reminded me of that classic Seinfeld episode with George and his wallet. Also looks like his hairline has receded since the one used in the "logo" nice touch Tony!

Roni said...

The truck with the road cones falling out was in the blog's "LOL" section. You're not completely misunderstood.

F Minus said...

Yep, Frank's hairline is starting to recede. Partly because of genetics (his grandmother was bald), partly due to his constant failure.