Spread The F Word

F Minus is the daily comic strip by Tony Carrillo
Visit www.FMIN.us for more information.
www.GoComics.com for today's comic.

Jun 20, 2009

Book signing photos

Here are some photos from the book signing last night. Thanks to Barnes and Noble and to everyone that showed up!

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Jun 19, 2009


Hey all, just a reminder to come see me tonight at the Barnes and Noble at Tempe marketplace for the book signing. They will also have some copies of the first book available. If you get a book for your dad for Father's day, I will draw a portrait of him in it based on your description alone. Don't worry, I'm trained in composite police sketch art.

Just to let you know, I am on Twitter, at twitter.com/tonycarrillo
Somebody is posting links to the daily F Minus comics at twitter.com/fminus, but it's not me. I don't mind unless my lawyer says I should.

See you soon.

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Jun 11, 2009

In 1492 Columbus sailed the... uh, in 1417...

To clear up some confusion, yes, that is the ocean behind the vikings. The F Minus world seems to have some ocean/land issues. Kooky!
Here's a corrected version:
And yes, that is a painting in today's (Jun 11) comic. A black and white one, apparently. Kooky!

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Jun 10, 2009

Hate Mail! Oh mow you didn't...

The following hate mail and my response refers to this comic:
"Your strip for June 2nd:
Showing a father pushing a kid around on a power mower, and making a big joke out of it, is completely uncalled for. If you are a father, do you do that with your own children? I've never seen it done with a push mower, but I do see it once in a while on a riding mower. Do you realize exactly how stupid that is? If the kid falls off and loses a hand or foot will you make a comic strip out of that?"

* * *

"Dear (***),
Thanks for sharing your great comic idea! It's very funny. However, I don't use outside ideas in my comic strip. Many syndicated cartoonists buy comic ideas, so you might want to keep shopping it around.
To answer your question, no, I don't have any children. But if I ever do, I will definitely take your suggestion and let them ride the mower. That sounds super fun!
Good luck with your comic writing career!"
-Tony Carrillo

Edit- He wrote back!

"you are an idiot"

Checkmate, sir. Check-mate.

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Barnes and Noble

Did you miss the last book signing? You know who you are.
You're in luck! I will be at the Barnes and Noble at Tempe Marketplace on Friday, June 19th at 6:30 to sign your book and flip through some magazines. Get yourself the new F Minus book, and pick one up for a friend. Just in time for the holiday season!
Also, for the low price of one dollar, I will judge any book by the cover.

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Freddy Freaker

Can someone please explain this to me?

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