Last night I found this Mighty Morphin Power Rangers action figure in my bedroom. I have never seen it before, and I have no idea how it got there. This isn't the kind of thing that just sticks to your shoe. How did it get there? Is it a clue? A warning? What is my next move?

Is that a stained glass window in your bedroom? Where do you live? A cathedral?
Remember that movie "Toy Story"? Or "Small Soldiers" or "Basic Instinct"? I don't either, but I am sure one of the toys in there could narc on the Power Ranger.
It's an omen, Tony. No good can come from this - especially from the yellow one.
It's not Mighty Morphin' otherwise it would be Trini the yellow Yellow Ranger; I think this one was planned by a white actor
I would have put "anonymous" if I were you too.
I Have a solution for you, click on my URL
This was Kelsey, the Yellow Lightspeed Ranger from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (2000). She was indeed white. It came from Mcdonalds, in a yellow zord case.
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