I got some hate mail in the form of a letter (paper, envelope, stamp) delivered by the post office, which apparently still exists. She must have been really upset to take the time and money to tell me how unhappy she is with me. She was upset about the squirrel/cat/lemur comic we discussed earlier. She suggests I upset a lot of pet lovers. Why does she assume I'm not a pet lover? I've had dogs and cats and gerbils and snakes and fish and I loved them all. That doesn't mean I'm so emotionally fragile that I can't joke about their deaths. The fish killed each other off by ganging up and murdering the weakest one. It would have made a great reality show.
Edit: Haha! Look at this Google ad that just appeared on my blog:

Hey Tony,
Don't feel badly about it. She's probably one of those crazy cat people of the jellicle kind. Her name is probably Grizelda and is super tight with Andrew Lloyd Weber. She was probably also part of the longest running show on Broadway... :). I'm talking about Cats if you were wondering. I love that show so much... "memories, all alone in the moonlight...."
But yea, that was obviously a squirrel. That silly peanut-brained lady. The end.
if you're such an animal lover, why do you draw them in such cruel imaginary situations?
your drawings are a danger to squirrels everywhere
I would have mailed this to you but I don't have money for stamps.
Have you gotten hate mail in telegraph yet?
I like bear... I always think about getting one for pet, just like the guy from F Minus...
Animal lovers must hate Happy Tree Friends ?
I hope that you’re going to post the letter. I am taking a class this semester on how to write like a crazy cat lady, so I could really use the example...
No way, well that is USPS for ya. Slow as a snail sometimes. Well if you get a chance tony could you scan it and put it online Tony?
Well, to put it in perspective, there are A LOT more people who read the comic and didn't send hate mail.
Just for the record, though I did think it was a cat, I also thought it was hilarious. I'm a cat lover and have even lost a cat to The Road, but the idea of a roadside memorial to a cat is almost as funny as one to a squirrel. Keep up the good work.
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