I recently got a complaint email from someone (i.e. old person) suggesting that my lettering is too small and difficult to read. I have received several comments on my lettering over the years, both positive and negative. So I'll ask you: Is the F Minus lettering too small or are old people's eyes too old?

People's eyes are too old!! For sure, F Minus in amazing in every aspect!
45 y/o with transition lenses - font size seems fine to me.
It doesn't seem any smaller than any of the other comic strips. Apparently they are intimidated by your success!!
No. And I'm old enough to have to take my glasses off to read most things (the equivalent of putting on reading classes for old people w/ nearsightedness). And anyway, they should complain to the paper-they're the ones that control the size of the font.
i always thought your lettering was the easiest to read:)
Modern browsers let you zoom in if you find the font too small. User error!
Please tell me you have a back-and-forth slam fest with this guy you can share with us??
I actually find your text too large. It distracts from the rest of your work and I really think you should shrink it to magnifying-glass proportions.
Man, old people really hate you! I think you can just kiss the 65 and older demographic good bye.
I have middle-aged eyes and constantly make fonts larger online, and yours is actually one of the few comics in the paper I don't have any trouble with.
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