I took some time to answer some Frequently Asked Questions over at the new F Minus website.

Better safe than sorry. Wear the shirt that makes sure everyone knows what you've got going on under there. I can't tell you how many awkward situations this shirt has helped me avoid. And by 'awkward situations', I mean 'jobs'.
Click on the shirt above for all Warning products, and find more at the F Minus store.
Finally, an image that embiggens all that is America. America Cat was almost the official symbol of our nation, and in our hearts, it still is. Click on the shirt above for all America Cat products, and find more at the F Minus store.
The F Minus website has been updated and now includes the new and improved F Minus store, featuring new items with your favorite F Minus Pals, including the World's Worst Grandpa, Creepy Old Hobo, and more!
Check out this blog from the New Times called Jackalope Ranch. I was interviewed as part of their 100 creatives series. I'm number 72. That might be the highest I've ever been on any list.