Mr. Carillo,

Dear Sir,

Good evening, Tony. I now understand that you (perhaps uniquely) envision yourself to be quite the comedian. I also understand that no matter how complete or compelling my responses might be to those with open minds, because you lack one (not a mind, just an open one), you will reply with your unusual brand of humor, as you have done twice already, and simply continue to cover your eyes and declare that if you can't see us, we must not be able to see you. As a parent, I can assure you that none of our children (or any of our many friends' children) was fooled by that game after birthday #1. It makes me wonder whether some of the youngest ones might be in a position to bring you up to speed on that issue. If so, let me know and I'll send course materials to you. (Don't worry, they are very simple.) Your decision to ignore the fact that I take this seriously is unfortunate, but apparently irremediable. Perhaps your syndicator will agree with you; perhaps with me; perhaps with neither. I suspect the fine folks who make Frisbees, a staple of uninjured people everywhere, likely have their opinions, as well. Either way, I can't imagine that many more of your cartoons (self-graded appropriately - I give you credit for that) will burden our pages before replaced by something more interesting, such as additional room for existing comics. What's really too bad is that I do get it and you don't (more likely won't, because an absence of sufficiently engaged gray matter does not appear to be a limitation for you). Smarts, however does not supplant a social conscience gone missing without a trace. To you, an accidental death over a cliff and the violent destruction of toys with weapons are (at least for now), a paycheck, even if one necessarily split with your overseers in Korea. To others (that would include me), they are an outrage. As you point out, the free expression of ideas is important, as is the choice of every reader to ignore insulting fiction. Children do and will play with Frisbees, which is a good thing. If only children never played with guns. Your suggestion that team Frisbee "often" leads to the marriage of the two (Frisbees and guns) is a nightmare every parent (other than you, if you are one; oh, my) fears. Thanks (in the most cynical and disapproving voice that e-mail permits) for giving ideas to young people with insufficiently developed cognitive abilities to separate the imaginary from the actuated imagined. I hope never to hear of a Frisbee related shooting death: until October 20, 2009, when you introduced the idea in your syndicated comic strip, I doubt that anyone but you ever even considered the possibility. In conclusion, Tony, thank you again for your non-replies and your utter lack of interest in serious adult discourse. Cheers.
... and my final rebuttal: